How will you reach your audience?
With YouTube being the most popular social media and most famous website, using videos as it's main function and use, I intend to use this to promote my film. I expect that this platform will be the one that attracts most of my target audience, with most of the world watching youtube 24/7. This is shown with this statement: "With over 2.49 billion monthly active users, the platform has come a long way. In fact, 47% of all global internet users access YouTube every single month.". I need to create a channel, to build up recognition and reputation surrounding similar content, in order to build a similar base, which might need to take time to reach that level. I may potentially decide to branch into gaming streams with something related to superheroes, as it might help build internet popularity and attract specific groups of people who are interested in video games, but also in superhero content. This would hopefully build interest in my film. I believe this would help thanks to the evidence shown in this statement: " In the third quarter of 2022, YouTube Gaming Live had an average of 544 thousand concurrent viewers, down from the all-time high of 871 thousand CCV in the fourth quarter of 2020. YouTube Gaming is one of the most-used platforms for live streaming games." The content in the videos would be analysis of fighting cinematography to explain what is happening, as I think because most people like fighting or superhero content, and as some people like watching from other perspectives and reactions, they might be interested to hear my perspective. This will mean that when I've reached the stage that I've built up my audience, it'll be ready for me to post the short film I have made, as I have built a core base that would show interest.
Due to low-budget films being averagely poor quality, they are typically sent straight to retail. You could have bonus content on DVDs, like behind the scenes and blooper reels or even interviews with cast. This is one of the best ways for films like mine to gain the attention of people who want to watch a movie that hasn't been made with the support of a big corporation. Films like this have the chance to gain a cult-classic status because of small groups of fans liking it. There are also channels who like to make fun of how bad certain movies are, being forced to watch these poorly made films, meaning that I could potentially join their membership to gain recognition through other channels. This would hopefully mean that through their own popularity, I may be able to help borrow a fanbase. One of these channels, Redlettermedia could potentially be a target of mine. This could be considered perhaps the quickest method to reach my audience, as by having such a status could attract a certain group of people who might be interested to watch it, compared to hoping someone will find my video among thousands others of people doing the same.
Explore strategies to reach your audience
I could use the app cameo to pay a celebrity to promote/sponsor my channel/short film, as well as spreading it to other social medias like Twitter and Facebook to promote my channel. I could also upload my videos there. This may require an incentive to make happen, as youtube celebrities sometimes like to get paid to do specific content, for example Patreon.Com, as some youtubers content is purely relied upon getting paid to do a certain kind of content only.
With my DVD idea I could sell them to charity, garage sales, as well as corner shops, so if there is someone who is interested in watching my movie, they can more easily view it in the wide selection of media available. The only problem with this that I can see, is that modern audience prefer digital purchasing over physical copies, however there are still some that still buy Blu-ray versions of films, especially if they are a collector.
According to Katz and Bulmler's Uses and Gratifications Theory, the audience has to find media themselves without acknowledgement of it in the first place. This is despite how hard it can be to promote without prior spreading of information surrounding the film. I think any way to make it more easily seen can be equally inefficient as it still depends on the audience taking the steps to find it. This acts as a catch-22 of needing audience members to become better known, whilst also needing to be known to build a fanbase prior. The whole point of my video and any other I would make is to be for entertainment and escapism, to satisfy the viewers needs of being interesting in something.
The youtube idea is purely based on creating content with the hope of building engagement, while the DVD idea is better because it makes my content more visible when in a physical space compared to digital. One way that I can improve my chances is by paying people to do videos of reviews or reactions on it, to build internet popularity throughout many channels.
It might be useful to create a poster or sneak peak frames to show some example of what it is.
Evidence the presentation methods you used
Because my pen portrait Zachery Bill keeps up to date with movies, he might be likely to make a review about a new superhero movie on the internet, therefore creating engagement and potentially promoting my movie. This can be useful to achieve my target audience, as all my methods of promotion centre around more widespread promotion. These include paying people to see.
To a 'very high standard' means present it in the best way you can for your audience.
I believe due to my perspective, attempting to understand the realistic nature and serious conditions of how engagement is attracted, I think that I could present it in the highest standard possible as any other influencer.​
7.1 - Explore with strategic planning how you are going to present your creative media production project. 7.2 - Explain how you are going to present your creative media production project to a specified audience
Pen Portrait:
Name: Zachery
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Lifestyle: Works at office building on Google for digital marketing, and in his spare time goes to a shop to buy comics, watch movies for latest superhero films and trying to invite friends to Chinese restaurants. His favourite genre is superhero and his favourite film is the Justice League Snyder Cut, with his favourite character being Spider-Man, and his favourite villain being The Riddler. He has been to every comic book event that has visited his local area, whilst also attending presentations in countries across the world, such as gallery exhibitions. He has a PlayStation 4 to play games like Spider-Man or Arkham Batman, he has a laptop and a phone, and spends most of his time looking at the internet, or on social media, such as youtube. This is to keep up to date with the latest updates and gossip on superhero business in Hollywood.
How I will present my short film to Zachery is by using YouTube. I shall build a reputation by doing livestreams focused on gaming for superhero content, as when I release the short film my base will be used to my superhero related content. Through doing this I hope to get a big enough audience and popularity for Zachery to be interested. I could use Cameos, through paying celebrities to promote/sponsor my channel.
My back-up plan is to use my reputation from junction total arts, showing this film to them and hoping that they are interested enough to put it into their next film festival, as I know from experience being there that they do. A potential problem that I can see is how would this attract only superhero fans. This might not work as well, but it remains a way to promote it to a widespread audience.
YouTube works well because it is the platform that I know the best, as well as being the most popular with videos on social media and the internet. There is also a lot of pre-existing superhero related content on YouTube, therefore meaning that I wouldn't be having to build a new fanbase, with there being an existing one.